House Rules

I'm really glad you're all posting on your very own blog. So please take some time to read up these rules. (Ask a grown up to read them with you, so you'll understand better)
  1. Everything that's posted in here has to be written by yourselves. Grown-ups can help you, but they cannot write on your behalf. Teachers are very clever in telling if a child or a grown up wrote something. 
  2. No copying is allowed. If you copy your friend's work, you will see your post magically disappearing. 
  3. If you copy from a website without telling us that you did...that get you into trouble, so please be careful. 
  4. Take care of your spelling, use a dictionary.
  5. Make your posts interesting, tell us about a book you've read, a place you've been, a movie you watched. 
  6. This is your school blog, not a kiddy facebook. Please, if you're posting photos, do write something about that photo. 
  7. If you decide to post your own photo, make sure that you are properly dressed for the occasion ;) 
  8. Do comment on your friends' posts, and they will comment on yours. BE NICE. 
  9. Most important rule: Have fun. Blogging is cool, you get to read your friends' writing, see their drawings and learn more about them.

Miss Claudine.

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